From Seed to Smoke: The Journey of Cayman Cigars

cayman cigars

Cayman Cigar Company’s premium hand-rolled selections are highly regarded, rivaling even the most famous Cuban brands. The journey from seed to smoke is a major component of what makes each Cayman cigar an unforgettable experience. So, join us now to discover more about this journey and other secrets behind these endlessly rewarding treasures and how you can enjoy Cayman Cigars.

What Makes Cayman Cigars Special?

Cayman cigars are unlike any other premium cigars in the world, and the proof is in the experience each Cayman cigar offers. Part of this special Cayman cigar experience comes from our partnerships with only small farms that share our unrelenting desire to grow the best tobaccos in the world. In the hands of our cigar makers, these South American and Caribbean tobaccos are transformed into cigars of unparalleled quality and complexity.

Our ongoing Cayman-grown tobacco project is another reason Cayman cigars are unique to the cigar industry. Moreover, our tobacco-growing specialists at our nonprofit partner Beacon Farms continue to develop tobaccos that will soon find their way into Cayman Cigars. Our goal is for the Cayman Islands to be recognized as home to world-class cigars and the world’s best tobaccos.

However, the driving force of what makes Cayman Cigar Company special is our mission to give back to our local and global communities. To this end, we are the world’s only premium cigar maker to donate 100% of net profits to charitable organizations. So, you bring hope and a helping hand to those in need just by buying and enjoying a Cayman cigar. Cigars don’t get any more gratifying than that!

How Cayman Premium Cigars Are Made

Cayman premium cigars are crafted at our small Grand Cayman shop in historic Bodden Town by an expert cigar-making team of Cuban-born Torcedoras (Master cigar Rollers) Barbara Anselmo Garcia Petrie and Maria Delvis Hernandez. These classically trained magicians of the leaf use traditional Cuban cigar-making techniques to craft cigars of exceptional quality in construction, consistency, aroma and flavor. 

The Cayman cigar journey begins at the tobacco farms, where seeds are cultivated into richly textured tobacco leaves. Once harvested, tobacco is sorted, fermented, and aged in preparation to become a Cayman cigar. Barbara and Maria select only the finest long-filler tobaccos to achieve a harmonious blend worthy of the Cayman Cigars name. These are just a few recognizable features of a premium cigar.

The tobaccos are sorted by hand with expert precision at our Grand Cayman shop, where whole-leaf tobaccos are bunched and held together with a binder leaf. A wrapper leaf provides the final dressing to the cigar, blended for optimal combustibility, character, and taste. Numerous quality control steps are followed throughout the cigar-making process to ensure each Cayman cigar delivers a consistent and effortless draw.

Additional aging allows the cigars to mature, creating a smoother, more complex character. Cigar bands and outer packaging put the finishing touches on the cigars, which are ready to be smoked. Finally, the cigars are packed carefully for shipment, destined for our retail partners’ humidors and to the doorsteps of cigar lovers everywhere. 

Where to Purchase Cayman Cigars

Despite Cuban cigars availability in the Cayman Islands, why not enjoy a truly Cayman cigar experience? Cayman Cigars are a way to experience the cigar-loving spirit of the Cayman Islands. So, stopping by the Cayman Cigar Company shop or one of our select cigar lounges and retail partners to purchase authentic Cayman-made cigars is a must when visiting Grand Cayman. While an excursion to the Cayman Islands is highly recommended, you don’t have to be a world traveler to purchase Cayman Cigars. You can buy from Cayman Cigar Company online for a fast and easy way to enjoy the world’s finest premium cigars.

If you live in the US, orders are shipped free from our office humidor in Tampa, Florida to ensure freshness and timely enjoyment. For those outside the US, we ship directly from Grand Cayman via DHL to any country that allows it. So, visit our online shop and add your favorite Cayman Cigars products to your cart. Check-out is fast and easy. With just a few clicks, your cigars will be on the way for you to savor your own Cayman Cigars experience. That’s all there is to it.

Unlock Another Level of Cigar Satisfaction With Premium Cayman Cigars

Cayman Cigars deliver an experience like no other thanks to our commitment to using only the world’s best tobaccos and our assembled team of master cigar makers passionate about their craft and our mission to give back. So, treat yourself to the Cayman Cigars experience while giving hope to those who need it most. Buy Cayman Cigars online today.


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$5 donations made to one of our non-profit partnership charities with each cigar purchase.

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$5 donation to one of our non-profit partnership charities made with each cigar purchase.

Please use this code after adding cigars to your cart for this non-profit to receive a contribution with your order.

Experience The Full Range Of Cayman Cigars With Our Corona Special Pricing Program

We are currently offering special pricing and packaging on our hand-rolled Coronas. This limited opportunity is a great way to savor the unique flavors of our cigars and support our charitable mission.

Don’t miss out, as once these Coronas are gone, they are gone for good!

Corona Special Pricing offer is for US residents only.

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We do not sell tobacco products directly to consumers. This website is not intended to be viewed by anyone under the legal minimum purchasing age according to your jurisdiction. If you are not of minimum purchasing age, please do not view this website. We do not sell cigarettes or roll your own tobacco.