

Cayman Cigars 6-Cigar Portfolio Sampler

Experience cigar luxury with our exclusive Cayman Cigars 6-Cigar Portfolio Sampler, showcasing the diversity and richness of our premium blends. The cigars ship loose in a bag with a Boveda pack for optimum humidity and freshness and are accompanied by descriptions of each cigar with tasting notes. Available exclusively in the USA and in limited quantities.

Our Sampler includes 1 each of the following cigars:

Sovereign No. 1 is a medium-bodied blend of Cuban seed Criollo Viso, Seco, and Ligero long-leaf tobaccos, wrapped in a dark Brazilian Bahia Sumatra wrapper. It offers a rich flavor profile featuring dark cocoa powder, cardamom spice, and black pepper, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate a sophisticated and balanced smoke.

Sovereign No. 2 is a milder cigar with a well-balanced draw and plush mouthfeel. This blend combines premium tobaccos with notes of rich sandalwood, nuttiness, and a whiff of vanilla. It’s perfect for newcomers or those who prefer a lighter smoke, making it an excellent introduction to our premium cigar portfolio.

Sovereign No. 3 is the boldest offering in the Sovereign collection, featuring a hearty blend of Cuban seed Criollo and Brazilian long-leaf tobaccos, finished with a dark Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper. With bold notes of roasted espresso, earthy minerals, and zingy spice, this cigar delivers a robust and complex smoking experience for those who crave intensity.

The Monarch combines luxurious Cuban seed long leaf Ligero, Seco, and Viso leaves with a bold Arapiraca wrapper, creating a beautifully extravagant smoking experience. Hints of savory spice and a toasty, oaky mouthfeel deliver the perfect blend of structure and richness. It’s a sensational smoke that’s big but not overpowering, bold but balanced.

The Mariner is a rich, earthy blend that combines Piloto Cubano Seco, Ligero, and Viso tobaccos with an Ecuadorian Corojo Maron wrapper. This cigar offers a smooth, complex smoke with breezy hints of nut, vanilla bean, and spice, perfectly balancing body, strength, and taste, making it a grand adventure in every puff.

The Caravel is a true masterpiece from our collaboration with Tabacalera la Isla. It features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, a Dominican binder, and a filler blend of the finest tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. This Robusto-sized gem delivers a rich, earthy core complemented by toasty notes, a velvety touch of dusty cocoa, and a hint of cracked pepper, making each draw a memorable experience.

Robusto Size: 50 Ring and 5.25″ in length


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$5 donations made to one of our non-profit partnership charities with each cigar purchase.

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$5 donation to one of our non-profit partnership charities made with each cigar purchase.

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Experience The Full Range Of Cayman Cigars With Our Corona Special Pricing Program

We are currently offering special pricing and packaging on our hand-rolled Coronas. This limited opportunity is a great way to savor the unique flavors of our cigars and support our charitable mission.

Don’t miss out, as once these Coronas are gone, they are gone for good!

Corona Special Pricing offer is for US residents only.

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