Your Go-To Guide On How To Cure Cigar Sickness

How to Cure Cigar Sickness

Cigar sickness is an affliction that sneaks up on cigar enthusiasts every day. It can catch even the most experienced cigar aficionado off guard. Cigar sickness can suddenly end the joy of cigar smoking if you aren’t prepared. So, what is cigar sickness? Can it be cured? This quick guide has the answers and shows you how to overcome cigar sickness, so you can get back to enjoying your cigars.

What is Cigar Sickness?

If you have ever felt a little queasy or lightheaded after puffing on a cigar, you’ve experienced cigar sickness. Most cigar smokers have probably dealt with cigar sickness at some time or another. Cigar sickness is an adverse reaction to cigar smoking that can cause nausea, headaches, nervousness, dizziness, spikes in blood pressure, and a host of other symptoms. Cigar sickness can affect each cigar smoker differently, yet the result is always the same: a very unpleasant experience. 

What Causes Nausea When Smoking A Cigar? Here’s A Hint… Nicotine.

You can feel the effects of cigar sickness in many ways. Sensitivity to nicotine is a common cause of cigar sickness. Fuller-bodied cigars are often the culprit, yet even milder smokes with lower nicotine levels can cause cigar sickness. In addition to nicotine sensitivity, insufficient fermentation or improper aging can make for a rough smoke accompanied by tell-tale symptoms. 

Smoking on an empty stomach or pairing cigars with overpowering drinks can also cause cigar sickness. These compound the problem when mixed with excessive puffing, one of the most common causes of cigar sickness, especially among new smokers. Smoking too fast can bring cigar sickness symptoms in a hurry and is further exacerbated by rushing the smoke or trying to keep an overly loose or tightly rolled cigar.

Key Tips On How to Cure Cigar Sickness

While cigar sickness can be a frustrating and downright unpleasant experience, a cigar sickness cure is in your grasp. While cure effectiveness is different for everyone, there are various methods that cigar lovers have used for generations. For example, eating a spoonful of sugar is one trick that seems to help many minimize symptoms. However, the best cure is prevention. So, if you experience symptoms or want to prevent it before it rears its ugly head, here are ways how to manage cigar sickness :

  • Smoke cigars slowly.
  • Do not inhale cigar smoke.
  • Drink plenty of still or sparkling water exclusively, or in between alcoholic drinks.
  • Eat a bit of chocolate or candied ginger to give you a mild sugar boost and calm your stomach.

These tips and more are how to overcome cigar sickness, so you can focus on enjoying the best hand-rolled cigars and all the treasures you’ll find in every puff.


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