What’s in the Sovereign No. 1 Collection Cigar Blends?

What’s in the Sovereign No. 1 Collection Cigar Blends_

Whether you’re a newbie to the world of cigars or an experienced connoisseur, chances are high that you’ve heard of Cayman Cigar Company’s Sovereign No. 1 Collection blends. These wildly popular cigar blends offer a wide array of bold and complex options that cater to all types of cigar smokers.

If you’re curious about what sets these cigars apart from the competition, this guide covers everything you need to know.

What Makes Cigar Blends Good?

Premium cigar blends contain different types of whole-leaf tobacco, with up to five kinds of filler leaves, a couple of binder leaves, and an outer wrapper leaf. This leaf composition, when hand rolled into a luxury cigar, is rich and complex—the cigar’s attributes are derived from many varieties of tobacco leaves sourced from different countries or different regions within a country.

It also uses tobacco from various grades and harvests. These diverse elements give a blended cigar interesting, balanced, and consistent flavors over the years.

The Sovereign No. 1 Collection Blend

The Sovereign No. 1 Collection is a shining beacon of the harmonious relationship between highly skilled artisans, top-quality tobaccos, and the Cayman Islands spirit which is rolled into every cigar we create. It goes without saying that this makes for an epic cigar blend.

Like all of Cayman Cigar Company’s cigar collections, these cigars cater specifically to enthusiasts who are done experimenting and only want the best of the best Cuban-inspired cigars in the world.

Sovereign No. 1 cigars have a top-tier construction that provides superior body, complexity, and taste compared to Cuban cigars. They deliver a deeply satisfying smoking experience and character that other variations cannot replicate. 

These premium cigars offer unparalleled quality and the perfect blended balance of flavor, richness, and complexity. They use the world’s best long-leaf Cuban Seed Criollo Viso, Seco, and Ligero tobacco with top-quality Brazilian Volado leaves.

A toasty USA Broadleaf binder leaf holds them all together and gives the cigar a rich texture and unmatched flavor. Cayman Cigar Company also uses a dark Brazilian Bahia Sumatra wrapper leaf as the covering. This adds even more complexity to the taste and beauty of the cigar blend and sets them a class apart.

Master rollers hand roll all of these elements together with a high level of artistry and precision, which further enhances these cigars’ smooth and luxurious feel.

The cigars in the Sovereign No. 1 Collection have a medium-bodied character and feature heavy notes of dark cocoa, with subtle hints of pepper, cardamom, and spice.

These Caymanian originals are available in the following vitolas or cigar shapes:


Considered the holy grail of vitolas, the Corona is a popular cigar shape that cigar-makers and enthusiasts love. This is because it has a perfect ratio between the filler, binder, and wrapper tobacco, giving it a rich, balanced flavor.

Like other Corona cigars, the Sovereign No. 1 Collection’s Corona format also has fewer filler tobacco leaves. So you can taste the wrapper leaf and enjoy a vibrant and luxurious smoking experience.

This makes the Sovereign No. 1 Corona great for cigar lovers, especially experienced ones, who want to fully enjoy its tasting notes. Its 5.75 x 44 size also makes it ideal for smoking any time you want.


The Sovereign No. 1 blend also features a thickly proportioned 5.75 x 50 Robusto vitola. This cigar shape is very appealing to many cigar smokers, especially beginners, as its girth fits the hand well. Its short and stout form is more accessible and perfect for new smokers.

Moreover, it burns more slowly than a Corona. So you can smoke the Sovereign No. 1 Robusto cigar blend leisurely and savor it as you please.

Making a Difference in the World

It’s not just quality construction and flavor that sets the Sovereign No. 1 Collection and other Cayman Cigar Company cigars apart from their rivals. The company is also the world’s only premium cigar maker that donates 100% of all its net profits to charity. Supporting this brand means contributing to the betterment of the world.

Where to Purchase Cayman Cigar Company’s Premium Cigar Blends?

The Sovereign No. 1 is a luxury handmade cigar blend perfectly suited for all occasions and experience levels. You can easily find one that suits your smoking needs and preferences.

If you want to buy Sovereign No. 1 cigars, check out their product page here. You can also shop for other premium cigars from the Cayman Cigar Company on their website. Alternatively, if you’re an island local or visiting the Cayman Islands, try out our blends in the comfort of select cigar lounges throughout Grand Cayman. See our website for participating retailers and lounges.

If you’re ever in the Cayman Islands, you can visit Cayman Cigar Company’s store at Bright Dayz Plaza, Bodden Town Road, Bodden Town, Cayman Islands, and say hello.


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Experience The Full Range Of Cayman Cigars With Our Corona Special Pricing Program

We are currently offering special pricing and packaging on our hand-rolled Coronas. This limited opportunity is a great way to savor the unique flavors of our cigars and support our charitable mission.

Don’t miss out, as once these Coronas are gone, they are gone for good!

Corona Special Pricing offer is for US residents only.

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